FMSBW – The Electronic Studio

If you are lucky enough to live in Hanover, you have Kurt Schwitters to thank for founding Hanover. The Hanover that, according to Schwitters´ reading, means “re von nah”: in the sense of “forward to far”. The Hanover that for incomprehensible reasons sometimes reaches forwards far beyond itself, leaving its provincialism with artistic experiments – before becoming frightened of itself and returning to its homely comforts.

FMSBW is the text by Raoul Hausmann that Schwitters took at the beginning of his Sonata in Urlauten. The famous “fümms bö wö” is an opportunity of pronouncing FMSBW. Let´s look for others; and if ART comes out of it, that´s fine too.


Last modified: 2022-12-06

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